Tuesday, February 21, 2012

On a break....kinda

So I haven't worked on anything over the past few weeks, but I've got a good reason.

I've had 2 crowns put on my bottom teeth and I'm in the middle of having 3 more put on top. I have temporaries on right now because one of them needed a root canal before we could put the permanent ones on. I've been to the dentist 3 times over the past week and I have to go once more this week to get the permanent crowns put on.

Did I mention how much I HATE going to the dentist???

The cost for one is outrageous. I still feel like crying when I think about how much we've had to pay in dental bills. But the worst part about all of this is the PAIN! Can I just say how miserable I have been these past 2 weeks? It hasn't stopped hurting since the first visit. I've woken up more than once from a sound sleep to unbearable pain because the medicine doesn't last thru the night and I got the worst migraine I think I've had in 10 years.

So, hopefully by the end of this week I will have the permanent ones on and start to get everything settled and healed up. Then I can get back to normal...and start working on some more projects.

If I can offer any advice to whoever is reading this......FLOSS!!!!
I was so bad about doing it and now I am paying the price. Just do it people. It only takes a minute and it will save you thousands of dollars and lots of pain.

We went to Costco this weekend and bought some in bulk!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Turquoise Scrolly Coffee Table


Here is another coffee table up for sale!
I decided to go with the antiqued turquoise color again because I've had such a good response to it. I just love the way the color comes out after I antique it.
Once again I added some feet to lift it up off the ground. I love the scroll design around the bottom edges. So cute. And I had to keep the original vintage pulls it came with. They just fit the style so well.

Friday, February 3, 2012

100 + year old dresser

Here is another craigslist find that I am excited to work on! This dresser is over 100 years old and unfortunately has some issues with the drawer structures, but the bowed legs on castors were too pretty to pass up. I will fix her up as best I can. Most likely she will work best as a decorative buffet table instead of a functioning dresser.

I am working on the coffee table I posted about a little while ago right now, and I am also going to be starting a 1920's bed and vanity set soon. All 3 of these items will most likely be up for sale so check back!