Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Antique Radio Cabinet

Here is the finished cabinet.....

I decided on the soft french blue/gray and it turned out so pretty. The color looks better in person. I would have loved to stain the scroll detail inside the bottom section to match the original knobs, but the wood was damaged in several places and so it had to be painted. I like the contrast of the antique white with the blue/gray color.

It is such a great original piece that I have decided to keep it for now. It looks great in my entryway! If there's not a good spot for it when we move I may decide to put it up for sale then. Maybe. It's too pretty. ;)

Monday, April 16, 2012

Commissioned Work

So I just put the finishing touches on the radio cabinet tonight.....
It's so cute!
I didn't want to take pictures tonight with it still in the garage, so I will update tomorrow when I move it into the house.

I did want to announce that I am ready to start taking on commissioned work!
I've had several people ask me about refinishing a piece for them but have just had too much of my own stuff going on to even think about it. I still have a garage full of stuff, but I am feeling good about seeing how I can help others transform their furniture.

If you have a piece you want redone, just shoot me an email with a few details:

1. pictures, pictures, pictures (i want to see what i'm working on!)
2. description of any damage on the piece that I would have to deal with
3. measurements
4. tell me what you want it to look like!

After getting that email, I will let you know if it is a piece I am willing to work on. If it is, I will quote you a price.

I am excited about taking this on and working with any of you who might actually be reading this! ;)

Monday, April 9, 2012

Catching Up!

So I've been so bad about updating. I know.
It's hard to update when I really don't have any projects to show off.
I've been so busy with kids, church, and real estate that I just haven't had the time or energy to get anything refinished.
Believe me, I have plenty in my garage that I could be working on. Just ask my husband. ;)
Well, I've decided that busy or not I will get something finished this week.
This is what I will be working on:

It is a very old radio cabinet. As you can see I've already started working on it.
This thing had a very, very heavy old non-working radio inside it that took me quite awhile to get out. It's all cleaned up, filled, sanded down and ready for paint. I have all the original knobs and turn dial to put back on it after it's painted. It's going to be so cute!

That's where I'm stuck...paint.
My first thought was to go for the antique white I like to use. It's pretty, classic, goes with most decor, and sells the best.
But part of me thinks it would look so cool in a fun color. Like coral or mustard yellow.
Or there's that really pretty gray/blue color I've seen on many pieces that looks so elegant.
You see my dilemma.

So if you have any suggestions let me know!
I may be putting this one up for sale so if you love it and want it let me know fast. You can customize the color!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

1900's Antique Bed and Vanity Set

A beautiful antique bedroom set perfect for a little girl's room. Or a big girl! My 8 year old has been asking me over and over if this is going to be for her. I went back and forth, but have decided to go ahead and sell this set.

It was stripped and painted my favorite antique white color. I decided against distressing this one. The last bed I did was heavily distressed and this one just looked cleaner without doing it.
The center mirror was broken out when I found this set but I was envisioning how cute it would look with a criss cross ribbon photo board in that space. Or cork board. Or chalk board. Or just have another piece of mirror cut to fit. All would look great!

The vanity has two doors on it that open for storage inside. Both of them have a slide out drawer inside. The mirror part does detach from the vanity if needed and the side mirrors can be adjusted in and out.

These pieces have a lot of fun detail on them that is hard to see in the pictures.

I wanted to move them inside to take better pictures, but all my kiddos are home for spring break and I didn't want them accidentally running into them in the house.

Bed has SOLD! Vanity is still available for $225.

Let me know if you are interested!!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Coming up......

I know it's been awhile since I've posted about anything so I wanted to give you a head's up about what i've been working on.
I am currently painting an antique bed that has some cool unique carvings on it. It also has the fun curved footboard that I love. I am also doing a matching vanity that goes with it.
These will both be painted in either a white or antique white color. These will be up for sale when they are finished so check back if you think you might be interested.
I also have a funky old radio cabinet that I am super excited to do. I've been searching Craigslist for one for awhile now so I was very happy to find this one for such a great price. I will probably be keeping that piece.
I also found this awesome dresser and just picked it up today.

Isn't she so pretty????!!!! My 8 year old has already called dibs on it. :)

I think my obsession is starting to rub off on her.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

On a break....kinda

So I haven't worked on anything over the past few weeks, but I've got a good reason.

I've had 2 crowns put on my bottom teeth and I'm in the middle of having 3 more put on top. I have temporaries on right now because one of them needed a root canal before we could put the permanent ones on. I've been to the dentist 3 times over the past week and I have to go once more this week to get the permanent crowns put on.

Did I mention how much I HATE going to the dentist???

The cost for one is outrageous. I still feel like crying when I think about how much we've had to pay in dental bills. But the worst part about all of this is the PAIN! Can I just say how miserable I have been these past 2 weeks? It hasn't stopped hurting since the first visit. I've woken up more than once from a sound sleep to unbearable pain because the medicine doesn't last thru the night and I got the worst migraine I think I've had in 10 years.

So, hopefully by the end of this week I will have the permanent ones on and start to get everything settled and healed up. Then I can get back to normal...and start working on some more projects.

If I can offer any advice to whoever is reading this......FLOSS!!!!
I was so bad about doing it and now I am paying the price. Just do it people. It only takes a minute and it will save you thousands of dollars and lots of pain.

We went to Costco this weekend and bought some in bulk!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Turquoise Scrolly Coffee Table


Here is another coffee table up for sale!
I decided to go with the antiqued turquoise color again because I've had such a good response to it. I just love the way the color comes out after I antique it.
Once again I added some feet to lift it up off the ground. I love the scroll design around the bottom edges. So cute. And I had to keep the original vintage pulls it came with. They just fit the style so well.